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Safe Future Foundation, Inc., expands its diaper and period bank to Tallahassee, FL summer of 2023

For Immediate Release

(Tallahassee, FL 3/9/2023)- Safe Future Foundation, Inc., announces expanding its diaper and period bank to Tallahassee, FL, this coming summer of 2023. Safe Future Foundation will collaborate with social service agencies and community organizations to distribute diapers and period supplies to needy families. Further, the Safe Future Foundation seeks to raise awareness about diaper need, when one in three families cannot afford to provide a sufficient supply of diapers to keep their babies clean, dry, and healthy.

Our community is unaware that no form of governmental assistance covers diapers and wipes, babies require 6 to 12 diapers per day, and disposable diapers can cost as much as $70-$80 per month per baby.

In addition, Safe Future Foundation will also bring awareness about period poverty, where one in four women struggle to purchase period supplies due to a lack of income.

Since Safe Future Foundation's grand opening, headquartered in Jacksonville, FL, the foundation has distributed over 800,000 diapers for babies and almost 350,000 period supplies to women and teens through the help of its community partners throughout Duval and its surrounding counties.

"We are excited to continue providing diapers and period supplies for families in Jacksonville, and now Tallahassee, FL, and are grateful for our partnership with the National Diaper Network, Baby2Baby National Network, and the Period Alliance that will support us in this expansion," said, Alvina Tobey, the Co-Founder of Safe Future Foundation, Inc.

Each month, parents can pick up diapers from our partners and attend our community events, where we distribute free diapers at a specific time and location. Safe Future Foundation remains steadfast in our commitment to raising awareness, providing resources, and improving the health and well-being of the most vulnerable in our local communities.

About Safe Future Foundation, Inc.

The mission of Safe Future Foundation, Inc. includes efforts that are geared towards alleviating hunger through, helping young minds matriculate, maintaining a cleaner earth and providing expectant mothers with a positive outlook on motherhood.

For more information on the Safe Future Foundation, Inc., or to keep up to date with their next distribution visit and follow them on their social media networks:, | Instagram:

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